The ``-x'' flag sets the program in Extract mode.
backupst -x [options]

The options supported in extract mode are:

-h path
Set root of restore path to ``path''. If this option is used, BackupST will not write back the data at the position it was originally stored. Suppose you have stored a directory named ``c:/bin''. If you restore the data by using the command
backupst -xh d:/tmp
the data will be stored in the directory d:/tmp/bin. The directory structure is still maintained.
-o0 Restore the original creation date. After writing to the file to harddisk, the creation date is set to ``today''. With this option the creation date is reset to the original date. This is a default option.
-o1 Set creation date at ``today''. (See -o0)
-i Interactive mode. After reading the archive index BackupST will go into interative mode. The following command are available:
ls [directory]
dir [directory]
This command will list the contents of a directory. If you don't specify a directory, the current directory is listed by instead. By default, no files are extracted in interactive mode. Only the files specifically ``added'' (see command add) by the user are extracted. Files to be extracted are marked by a ``+''. Directories are marked by a `` \''. Directories are never marked by a ``+'', only the contents of a directory is. If you list the contents of a directory, you see the contents of a fictive disk. There is absolute no relation with the current contents of the hard disk. This so fictive disk has a root directory under which all disks are mounted. If you type ``ls'' at the root level you probably only see the volume label(s) of the disks you have stored in this archive. If only one ``disk'' is available, an automatic ``cd disk'' will be done when the program is started.
ll [directory]
The ``ll'' command will make a long directory listing. (see ls)
This will abort the program without extracting the marked files.
help [command]
h [command]
This command gives a list of all commands available. If an argument is given, an explanation of this command is given.
cd [directory]
chdir [directory]
Change directory to ``directory''. If no argument is given, the new directory is the root directory of the ramdirectory.
add [files]
Add files to the list of files to be extracted. If the argument is a directory, all files in this directory are added to the list. Regular expressions are also valid. Added files are marked by a ``+'' in front of the filename in a ``ls'' command. (see ``ls'')
rm [files]
Opposite of add command. Same syntax.
Retrieve all marked files from the archive.
-w Overwrite existent files silently. Normally BackupST will not overwrite an existing file without asking permission to do so. If you give the ``-w'' argument, will overwrite all files without asking.
-y Same as ``-x'', only instead of using the main archive index, an attempt is made to read the backup archive index from disk. This mode is slow (and not thoroughly tested), and scans the disk for the backup archive index. The backup archive index is always written at the end of the archive. If you use this option, you will be asked to install the the disk on which you expect the backup archive is written. If the backup archive is not broken into two parts, this is the last disk of the archive. The disk# the backup archive is written on, is reported during the creation of the archive. If you have a small archive which fits on a single disk, the main archive info, which is written before the archive will be skipped in the search for the backup archive info.
-z0 Never create subdirs. This means that all the files are restored at the root disk of the ``original'' disk the files were located on. This command is usually used in conjuction with the ``-h'' flag. For example the command
backupst -xz0 -h d:/tmp
will restore all the files in the directory d:/tmp without creating the subdirectories in d:/tmp. If needed the directory d:/tmp will be created.
-z1 Create subdirs if needed. This is the default mode of the program.

The following options are available in all modes:

-da Use drive A as the backup drive. This is a default option.
-db Use drive B as the backup drive
-s1 Use single sided floppies
-s2 Use double sided floppies. This is a default option.
-v Verbose mode. This option has no use to the normal user, only to the programmer. You are not advised to use this option, it will slow down the backup.
-j# No of sectors per track. The only valid numbers are 9 and 10. If you restore or list an archive, this option may be supplied but is overruled by the values stored in the archive info. 9 sectors per track is the default value.
-k# No of tracks per side. The only valid numbers are 80-84. If you restore or list an archive, this option may be supplied but is overruled by the values stored in the archive info. 80 tracks per sector is the default value.

If BackupST in extract mode is not started in interactive mode, all files in the archive will be extracted. If BackupST is started in interactive mode, no file is extracted unless you specifically tell BackupST to do so.